Meet a Mom; Corey Cenatiempo; Founder of Dreamweaver Sleep Consulting - FairfieldMoms

This year has certainly tested the roles of motherhood at any given chance it has had, and with the change of seasons coming (along with daylight savings time next month), we wanted to introduce you to Corey Cenatiempo, founder of Dreamweaver Sleep Consulting as our Meet a Mom this month!  Corey is high school friend of mine, a local mom of 2 toddlers and a Sleep Sense Certified Consultant – supporting moms by helping teach their infants and toddlers one of the most important abilities they can learn – how to sleep!  Corey specializes in sleeping through the night, nighttime wakings, napping issues, sleep regressions and newborn sleep tips.  Read more about Corey, her family, and how she started her incredible business below!



Where are you originally from and how long have you been in the area?

Originally from Norwalk but have been in Trumbull for 2 years now


Children / Age(s)

Oliver – 3 | Parker – 1


One thing people would be surprised to know about you?

I was a Theater Major in college and love to perform on stage. Musicals are my absolute favorite.


Favorite local things to do in Trumbull?

Love to eat (well take out now) from our favorite spot The Sitting Duck or visit any of the amazing town parks!


What’s your favorite thing about raising a family in Trumbull?

This is a total family town. The neighborhoods are all so beautiful and we love living across the street from Tashua Elementary School. I will be able to walk my kids to school every morning once we get to Kindergarten…no rush of course!


What is your go-to activity for your family?

We are a HUGE soccer family so any chance we have we are all outside kicking around the soccer ball. Even little miss Parker gets in on the action!

For yourself? I love a good day of pampering. Doesn’t happen as often as I would like but when I can get away for a pedicure and a massage, I’m all over it!


Funniest part that you’ve learned about parenthood?

How much they mimic your every word! I laugh almost daily at the things that come out of my son’s mouth. Sometimes it’s a face/palm moment for sure.


One thing you wish someone would have told you about motherhood?

It might sound like I’m pitching you guys, but sleep! No one ever told me that some babies struggle with learning to sleep and that there are tricks you can implement, even from birth, to help raise happy and independent sleepers.



Best mom hack that makes your life easier?

Super Simple Songs…it’s like crack for babies and toddlers!


Best advice for moms who experience the inevitable MOM GUILT handling a career and a family?

Just know that your kids love you whether they see you all day or for only the evening. Glennon Doyle said it best, “just finish strong, that’s all they will remember.”


Who has most influenced you to be the mother that you are today?

I really take notes from all of the mothers in my life. My own, my Mother-In-Law and my mom friends all do things differently and it has made for an amazing playbook to pull from as I navigate motherhood. No one does it best and no one does it perfectly, but we can learn so much if we are open to different ways of parenting.


Tell us about your sleep consulting business, Dreamweaver Sleep Consulting.

Well, the push to start the business came after successfully completing sleep training with my son at 4 months old. He was a HORRENDOUS sleeper and once friends and family saw our achievements with him, my husband suggested I get myself certified and help other struggling parents.  It is my privilege to provide you with clear, easy to follow steps to teach your child healthy sleep habits and bring a good night’s sleep back to you and your family.


When and how did you get started as a sleep consultant?  Tell us more about your work as a Sleep Sense Consultant.

I started Dreamweaver Sleep Consulting over 2 years ago after battling with my own terrible sleeper. We invested in a Sleep Sense Consultant ourselves and within 3 nights our son (who only napped for 15min at a time) was sleeping through the night. It not only saved our sanity, but our relationship only got stronger once we were all sleeping again!


The reason why I chose the Sleep Sense Method is because it is adaptable to any parent’s threshold. There are so many different paths you can take when you sleep train and it’s important that parents never feel pushed outside their comfort zone. Together, we will work to teach your child to master those sleeping skills. We take them, step by step, from beginner to expert, until you’re the proud and happy parent of a sleep boss.


What ages do you work with?  Tell us more about the packages that you offer.

I happily work with all ages and stages. The most important aspect of this job is to offer parents some much needed support. Every package includes a detailed plan just for your little one that we implement during our 2 weeks together. During those 2 weeks we will discuss the ideal schedule for your little one, strategies for building solid bedtime routines, tackle naptime issues, night-wakings, address any general questions or deal with any setbacks you might be having and review our plan for getting everyone back to sleep. Once you get started, I am there with you step-by-step, effectively holding your hand while you implement the plan.


How can people reach out to you for help with their children?

If you or someone you know might be in need of a good night’s sleep you can email me at [email protected] or book a free discovery call with me at


Look out for our blog post coming up next month where we talk with Corey about tips for helping kids deal with the changes that come with Daylight Savings Time!


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