Middle Years Matter | FairfieldMoms

As moms, we know that middle school can be an exciting time of growth and change, and these years are among the most formative for human development. However, we also know that for many students and parents these years might feel awkward and messy.

BUT, what if we reimagined middle school as a safe time for students to be curious, build skills, and find joy in the mess?  To make this a positive time, students need explicit instruction in the skills that will make them successful. 

We are √ Middle Years Matter.

The four of us – Christine, Courtney, Lisa, and Megan – all worked together for years at a middle school in Greenwich. Last spring, we decided to follow our dreams and our passion for middle school life and founded √ MYM. We are a group of highly experienced educators, administrators, and coaches. We are also moms with a mission to help students discover who they are both as learners and as curious individuals 

Our hope is that by providing middle schoolers with the right tools to balance school, sports, friendships, and anything else life throws at them, we are helping to develop bright, compassionate, and emotionally intelligent human beings. 

Registration is open for our 2022 season including workshops for February + April Breaks as well as summer programming for current middle schoolers and a unique workshop just for rising middle schoolers. Head to www.middleyearsmatter.com to reserve your spot today!

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