The Discovery Channel filmed an episode of their popular Building Off The Grid series featuring the work of Fairfield-based J&M Construction and Son. The show aired on June 1st and June 2nd, where J&M Construction President Joe Theriault takes viewers through the ideation/design/build process, from excavation to completion, at the cabin’s rural location in Ludlow, Vermont.
The NY-based owners were contacted by showrunners who learned of their Smart cabin project and approached them about the possibility of filming the construction.
“One of the reasons we were excited to participate in filming was because it’s a great way to show homeowners how to easily incorporate sustainable features and Smart components into their houses,” says Theriault. “We were able to include the homeowners’ wish list of Smart technology, solar and Tesla EV charging into the build to make it sustainable and self-sufficient. DIYers are often intimated by these types of features, and we really enjoyed working with the homeowner to discuss options, pros and cons, and reach the best solution for their needs.”
“It was a fun challenge starting with the basic cabin kit and designing a customized version that incorporated the homeowner’s vision for this home. To add in a 2nd bedroom, we literally moved the staircase to the other side of the cabin, freeing up unusable space for the bedroom and a bonus utility area.”
“For us, the homeowner’s appreciation and gratitude made this build worthwhile,” adds Theriault. “There’s nothing better than the smile on a homeowner’s face when you hand them the keys to their dream getaway. This has been one of our most favorite projects constructed by our J&M Construction North division in Vermont, and we hope this episode encourages more DIYers to embrace technology and sustainability.”
About J&M Construction and Son
For over 30 years, J&M Construction & Son has worked with homeowners in providing home design, custom construction and complete project management for new home and renovation projects throughout Fairfield County and Southern Vermont.
About Building Off The Grid
Tired of city life, hundreds of families move off the grid every year in search of better living. With fewer building restrictions holding them back, the sky is the limit for these adventurous outdoor enthusiasts as they work with builders to construct their perfect off-the-grid home.